The GBVIMS was created to coordinate effective data collection on GBV in humanitarian settings, to provide simple systems for GBV staff to safely collect and use survivor data to improve services. For all resources on the GBVIMS please utilize the dedicated website which includes tools and guidance to operationalize the GBVIMS and GBVIMS+ Primero.
You can also learn more about the GBVIMS, ethical data collection principles and best practices in data management by listening to the GBVIMS PODCAST available on iTunes, Stitcher or SoundCloud. Users can also access continued learning through the site’s VIDEO SHORTS.
NEW! GBVIMS+/Primero Companion Guide
This guide is meant for GBV caseworkers, supervisors, program managers and coordinators, GBVIMS focal points and GBV M&E staff using GBVIMS+ — and is intended to accompany the GBVIMS+ user guide. The GBVIMS+ Companion Guide includes:
The GBV CASE MANAGEMENT OUTCOME MONITORING TOOLKIT aims to measure the impact of GBV case management on women and older adolescent girls’ psychosocial well-being and felt stigma. This toolkit was developed using validated scales measuring changes related to psychosocial wellbeing and stigma experienced by women survivors of GBV in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The IRC has adapted this toolkit for use with women and older adolescent girls receiving GBV case management support from Somali and Syrian populations.
What does the GBV Case Management Outcome Monitoring Toolkit measure?
GBV Case Management Outcome Monitoring Toolkit: ARABIC | FRENCH | SPANISH
Word version of scales in Somali: FUNCTIONALITY and FELT STIGMA
Word version of scales in Arabic: FUNCTIONALITY and FELT STIGMA
Additional GBV Case Management Outcome Resources and Guidance
Practitioner Guidance for the GBV Case Management Outcome Monitoring Toolkit :
The Practitioner Guidance for the GBV Case Management Outcome Monitoring Toolkit offers detailed instructions on using, calculating, analyzing, and interpreting the GBV Outcome Scales to make data-driven decisions. Whether administered once or multiple times, the guidance supports outcome-focused decision-making. Depending on your role, you can find tables that outline interpretation methods and actionable steps to better support GBV survivors and inform programmatic adaptations. Access the documents here:
GBV Case Management Outcome Scales Videos:
This video series further explains the GBV Case Management Outcome Scales, how to use them, and how to analyze them:
GBVIMS+ Case Management Companion Guide:
The GBVIMS+/Primero Case Management Companion Guide highlights the forms, features, and functionalities in GBVIMS+ that facilitate GBV case management service provision, supervision, and monitoring quality of GBV case management services, including:
GBV Case Management Outcome Scales in Action:
Want to see the GBV Case Management Scales in Action? Check out this VISUALIZATION from the Jordan’s WPE Country Program:
The GBVIMS+/Primero Companion Guide (Part 3): explains how to use GBVIMS+ to monitor quality of GBV case management service provision, including:
GBVIMS+ Case Management Companion Guide in: English | French | Arabic
These videos were developed to support the use, analysis, and interpretation of KPIs and the Client Feedback Form:
Data-Driven Decision Making: HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/ZDMHRWUSLVW
KPI-Related Videos
GBV Case Management Scales Videos
Client Satisfaction Videos
Case Management Scales in Action
Want to see the Case Management Scales in Action? Check out this VISUALIZATION from the Jordan country program:
Ongoing skill building of GBV case workers is essential. The following modules can be used for weekly skill building sessions on topics prioritized by GBV response teams. These modules build on the Guidelines and training package above.
In 2020, the GBVIMS Steering Committee developed a comprehensive Inter-Agency GBV Case Management Capacity Building Rollout Strategy and Toolkit, informed by lessons learned from all eight implementations of the GBV CM CBI led by the GBVIMS Global Team over four years. The Strategy and Toolkit is designed to act as a guide, or set of recommendations, for actors wishing to roll out the GBV Case Management Guidelines. Find the Strategy and Toolkit here: ENGLISH VERSION