Resources for addressing gender-based violence against women and girls in humanitarian settings.


The IRC works to prevent violence against women and girls by addressing the root cause of gender inequality and the systemic oppression of women and girls. Through the following approaches the IRC’s Women’s Protection and Empowerment programming supports women and men through individual and collective processes of change, and supports women’s movements and activists to challenge patriarchal social norms and systems.

Engaging Men through Accountable Practice to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls (EMAP)

The EMAP Guidance Package introduces and trains practitioners to implement women’s groups and men’s groups to prevent gender-based violence against women and girls, and provides detailed guidance for accountable practice to ensure women’s leadership within GBV primary prevention intervention efforts.

Safe at Home: Preventing and Responding to Co-Occurring Intimate Partner Violence and Child Maltreatment

The Safe at Home resource package provides prevention and response resources: including curricula to be used with women’s groups, men’s groups, and with families as a whole, as well as guidance to deepen response services to better serve families and older persons.


EMPOWER provides a framework for prevention of gender-based violence against women and girls in emergencies that is both relevant within the first 12 weeks of a humanitarian emergency, and builds a foundation for longer-term GBV prevention strategies. The EMPOWER resource seeks to demonstrate that thoughtful, transformative prevention programming can be designed and implemented from the outset of emergencies if we use a feminist lens to empower and be accountable to women and girls.


SASA! TOGETHER was launched by Raising Voices as an evolution of the SASA! Activist Kitand is an evidence-based approach utilized by many organizations, including IRC’s Women’s Protection and Empowerment teams in multiple countries across the world. The IRC receives ongoing technical training and support from Raising Voices to implement SASA! Together. You can find more information on the approach, evidence and technical support opportunities for SASA! Together on Raising Voices website.

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